Steven Chase (BME), received the 2017 Dean’s Early Career Fellowships for groundbreaking work in his field. Dr Chase is one of 4 young CMU faculty members who have been granted fellowships to provide funding to further their outstanding research.

The Dean’s Early Career Fellowships are awarded to untenured faculty members who have been nominated by their department heads and then selected to receive the fellowship after review and discussion of the nomination package by the College of Engineering’s Review Committee.

Chase, assistant professor in biomedical engineering, and affiliated with the Center for Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC) has research interests in information representation in neural systems, brain-computer interfaces, neural signal processing, and learning, adaptation, and motor control. Chase was recently awarded the National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award to discover the link between the neural reorganization and skill learning. (more here)