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Emefa Akwayena
Graduate Student with Brad Mahon
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPsychology
Email: eakwayen@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Arish Alreja
Graduate Student with Avniel Ghuman
Carnegie Mellon UniversityNeuroscience Institute
Email: aalreja@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Marie Amalric
Post Doc with Jessica Cantlon
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPsychology
Address Baker Hall 327A work
Phone: (412) 268-6859work
Email: mamalric@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Research Description
Cognitive and neural basis of high-level mathematical thinking in both children and adults.
John R. Anderson
Richard King Mellon Professor
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPsychology
Secondary Department Computer Science (CMU) homeAddress BH 345D work
Phone: 412-268-2788work
Fax: 412-268-2844workfax
Email: ja@cmu.eduINTERNET
Asier Aristieta
Post Doc with Aryn Gittis
Carnegie Mellon UniversityBiological Sciences
Address MI 203 work
Phone: (412) 892-0518work
Email: aaristie@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Research Description
Basal Ganglia physiology in control and dopamine depleted conditions, using electrophysiological, optogenetic and behavioral approaches in mice models of Parkinson´s disease
Nilau Atilgan
Post-Doc with Bonnie Nozari
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPsychology
Address Baker Hall – 346D work
Home Phone: (651) 706-9296home
Email: natilgan@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Research Description
My research focuses on how people’s visual perception and reading abilities interact with their language production processes.
Lauren Aulet
Post-Doc with Jessica Cantlon
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPsychology
Address Baker 327A work
Phone: (631) 885-0466work
Email: laulet@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Research Description
Cognitive Development
Vlad Ayzenberg
Post Doc with Marlene Behrmann
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPsychology
Email: vayzenb@cmu.eduINTERNET
Research Description
Development of visual perception
Julia Badyna
Graduate Student with Eric Yttri
Carnegie Mellon UniversityBiological Sciences
Email: jbadyna@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Akhil Bandi
Graduate Student with Caroline Runyan
Carnegie Mellon UniversityNeuroscience Institute
Email: acbandi@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Faisal Baqai
Graduate Student
Carnegie Mellon UniveristyNeuroscience Institute
Email: fbaqai@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Alison Barth
Carnegie Mellon UniversityBiological Sciences
Address MI 159 work
Phone: 412-268-1198work
Fax: 412-268-8423workfax
Email: barth@cmu.eduINTERNET
Marlene Behrmann
George A. and Helen Dunham Cowan Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPsychology
Secondary Department CNBC homeAddress BH 331H work
Phone: 412-268-2790work
Fax: 412-268-2798workfax
Email: behrmann@cmu.eduINTERNET
Raouf Belkhir
Graduate Student with Brad Mahon
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPsychology
Email: jbelkhir@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Sharadhi Bharadwaj
Graduate Student
Carnegie Mellon UniversityNeural Computation
Email: subharad@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Sunreeta Bhattacharya
Graduate Student with Lori Holt and Ross Williamson
Carnegie Mellon UniversityNeuroscience Institute
Email: sunreetb@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Will Bishop
Post Doc with Byron Yu
Carnegie Mellon UniversityMachine Learning
Address Gates 8114 work
Email: wbishop@cs.cmu.eduINTERNET
Research Description
Machine Learning Theory and Neuroscience
Jenah Black
Graduate Student with Lori Holt & Bonnie Nozari
Carnegie Mellon UniversityPsychology
Email: jenahb@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Nicholas Blauch
Graduate Student with Marlene Behrmann & David Plaut
Carnegie Mellon UniversityNeuroscience Institute
Email: nicholab@andrew.cmu.eduINTERNET
Daniel (DJ) Brasier
Associate Teaching Professor
Carnegie Mellon UniversityBiological Sciences
Address MI 415A work
Phone: 412-268-1951work
Email: dbrasier@cmu.eduINTERNET
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